Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions

You must take the time to read and understand the Terms and Conditions before registering for our services. By registering, you accept that you are entering into a contract with us based on these Terms and Conditions.

Visitors to indianpharmajobs.com who do register to become a Member (Employer or Employee) similarly affirm that they are bound by these Terms and Conditions each time they access the Indianpharmajobs.com website.

If you do not accept the Terms and Conditions stated below, please refrain from using Indianpharmajobs.com.

The use of the Website by a Employer or Employee shall be deemed acceptance of and agreement to these terms only.

• IndianPharmaJobs can communicate with users  by email or phone for website and their account related activities , sometimes promotional or sharing useful information regarding usage of website. 

• The Website has been established to allow Employer to Post their requirement & Employees and to view those vacancies directly . We do not guarantee any employment to the job seekers ,we only provide information regarding job availability .

• We do not and can not guarantee the availability of vacancies everytime for a particular location. Members must keep this in mind before subscription. 

• Any profile created showing political or illegal material would not be accepted under any circumstances.

• Indianpharmajobs.com will take all reasonable precautions to keep the details of Employers and Employees secure but will not be liable for unauthorized access to the information provided by any party whatsoever.

• The Members warrant that their e-mail and other contact addresses are valid and up to date when using the Website.

• Members agree not to impersonate any other person or entity or to use a false name or a name that they have no authority to use.

• Please note, the information posted on our website is for informational purposes only, is general in nature, and is not intended to put us under obligation in legal terms to gaurantee recruitment .

• Members acknowledge that they would not share  the content posted on indianpharmajobs.com with non members , social media groups or websites without prior permission either through screenshots or other means . Our content is copyright protected and any misuse of it can attract legal action.

It is desirable that members see the vacancy of 1 or 2 locations and current and one higher designation . Viewing multiple location  or vacancies which are of no use to you  may force us to suspend your account.. We have designed this portal with honest intentions and expect the same from the members. 

• Members must check the credentials of the company whose jobs are posted on the website before connecting with the hiring manager. In case of any fictitious / doubtful  behavior of Hiring Manager ,please inform the website admins immediately.

• Members acknowledge that Indianpharmajobs.com is not liable for any form of loss or damage that may be suffered by a Member through the use of the Website including loss of data or information or any kind of financial or physical loss or damage.

• Indianpharmajobs.com privacy policy forms part of these Terms and Conditions, and by agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you also give your consent to the manner in which we may handle your personal data as detailed in that policy.

• The management reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time without any prior notification.

• These Terms will be subject to Indian Law and the jurisdiction of Indian Courts.

• We hold the right to ban a user if found violating our terms and conditions .

My Account / Profile / My contact information

• Members acknowledge that the information provided by them may be shared by indianpharmajobs with the recruiters or HR Managers of different pharma companies for offering a job opportunity depending upon the suitability of the profile or with anyone who can offer useful services related only to Pharma . Indian Pharma Jobs will not share the information with someone not related to Pharma field.

Other Pharma Jobs / State Wise Jobs

• The jobs posted under this section are the jobs we see as a part of various groups .

• We do not give any guarantee of the jobs being active at the time of posting.

Subscription Charges

Indian Pharma Jobs has an annual nominal subscription of Rs 250  including GST for viewing the content on its platform which would be non refundable. Apart from that there are no charges .

It is desirable that members see the vacancy of 1 or 2 locations and current and one higher designation .Multiple location viewing unrelated to your profile may force us to suspend your account.. We have designed this portal with honest intentions and expect the same from the members. 

Please bring to our notice if any Manager / Employer  asks for money from the job posted on our website .There are some fraud people in the system and they might post their vacancies on our website  in the guise of Manager .

Refund and Cancellation

Since Indian pharma jobs is a job information website and members are charged one time a year for viewing the information ,the amount paid by members is non refundable  . However if any member is found violating our terms and conditions , he / she may be blocked from viewing the website even if they have paid the subscription.

If any member is not satisfied with the services , he may delete his account and stop using the services but the membership amount is not refunded in any case .